Kowhai Seeds and how to Germinate.
From my recent experience with Kowhai seeds I can say one thing. They are tough! I have read several books that say that you just have to put them in warm water to get them to start to germinate but from my experience this just doesn't work. I have even tried pouring boiling water over them and leaving them for 24 hours but have had to do this three times before I have managed to get the seeds to take up the water and swell. Basically the seed coat is super tough.
However the easiest, although time consuming, method that I have used with great results to date is using a toe nail clipper and snip the ends of the seed. Be sure to avoid cutting the slightly darker indent on the seed as this is where the embryo resides. However by clipping the ends of the seed and soaking the seeds in warm water I have at least managed to get the seeds to swell and hopefully start the germination process. It is still early days so I am unsure as to how successful this technique is but I believe it is a step in the right direction and FAR better than the first kowhai seeds that I tried to get to germinate which I placed in warm water (as mentioned in a book I had been reading) and which after two months in a seed tray were still as hard and wrinkled as they were the day that I had sowed them there!
I did the same 27% germination, but hey at least I got something!!